In 2018, the 美国心脏协会 launched its first impact fund to support community-based solutions that reduce social and economic barriers to health equity. The AHA’s impact investment strategy complements our lifesaving work of nearly 100 years by addressing nonmedical, social and economic barriers that cause many people to develop heart disease and have shorter, 不健康的生活.
The AHA’s Impact Investment Group is expanding the pool of changemakers by supporting initiatives developed within communities. 资金投资于基于证据的项目, sustainable solutions led by local nonprofits and small businesses across diverse markets and issues.
The 美国心脏协会 is investing in local entrepreneurs and organizations that are breaking down the social and economic barriers to health equity.
伯纳德·J. 泰森影响基金
A national fund with a local investment focus supporting and investing in evidence-based, 以地方为主导的解决方案,促进卫生保健的公平.
The 美国心脏协会 has created social impact funds that reimagine the approach to community transformation to combat social determinants of health through 三个关键的影响镜头 注重结果.
就其本质而言, social determinants of health and their roots in structural legacy systems are interrelated. 例如, 交通往往是获得保健服务的障碍, and at the same time transportation solutions can impact climate and environmental health.
明确优先投资类别, 以下三个方面将形成这些有针对性的努力, acknowledging that many solutions will make an impact across the outlined topics.
获得实惠, 可访问的, culturally appropriate quality health and health care is a fundamental value. In most cases, factors outside the traditional health care system are barriers to a healthy life. 这些资金的重点是克服或消除这些挑战. Investments in access to health care complement our other initiatives, including our advocacy and portfolio work addressing health and health systems as well as synergy with the other SDOH categories.
Examples of access to health and health care social enterprises include but are not limited to those focused on:
健康科技, 制药技术, 心理健康护理技术, 社会/情感健康技术和创新制造者先进的技术提供了新的可扩展的解决方案, and if designed to address barriers in historically under-resourced communities, 能否重塑获得健康的途径.
Companies that improve access and knowledge for nonemergency health care, 消除语言障碍的平台, 非紧急运输解决方案, racially concordant perinatal and mental health care and employment/training opportunities within the health services industries一些解决方案可能是传统服务的变体, 比如最后一英里的交通或社区卫生工作者. Others may create community health ambassadors who provide trusted guidance and navigation. 有些人可能会关注孤独和联系.
Food security encompasses the full food ecosystem from agriculture to food waste management. Both for-profit and non-profit SMEs in the agribusiness vertical/value chain can lead to better access to affordable, 健康和环境可持续的食品.
Examples of food security social enterprises include but are not limited to those focused on:
- 可持续农村农业
- 城市农业和农业合作社
- 物流
- 处理
- “艾瑞泰克”
- 最后一英里配送(B2B和B2C)
- 创新物流
- 水产养殖/蓝色经济
- 健康食品零售
- 机构膳食供应商
- 食品零售商
- 提高健康食品的购买力
- 食品中心
- 食物垃圾管理
- 移动市场
幸运的是, significant overlap exists between food security and other SDOH categories, 包括食品工业公平和生活工资的做法, climate-friendly growing and transportation practices and health care systems food services solutions. The funds will complement other advocacy and portfolio efforts focused on food systems.
Promoting economic stability through expanded educational opportunities, 就业计划, banking practices and affordable housing is critical to achieving positive health outcomes.
Examples of economic resiliency and poverty reduction social enterprises include but are not limited to those focused on:
- 职业培训
- 累犯的程序
- 就业计划
- 反高利贷金融服务
- 早期教育
- 经济适用房
- 驱逐预防
- 宽带/互联网接入
- 缩小教育成就差距
- Edtech
- 预防暴力
As noted in other categories, opportunities for results across multiple initiatives are significant. Training focused on health sector services or food industry wage practices can benefit economic resiliency and health care access/food security. Our advocacy and portfolio efforts also address many of these issues.
人们对自己健康的选择, 或者他们所爱的人的健康, 通常基于可用选项. 增加健康食品获取途径的解决方案, 可以活跃的地方, 清洁空气, safe water and other essential benefits—especially in areas with the greatest need—can help dismantle systemic barriers and move the United States toward health equity.
By adopting an investment approach that overcomes the many systemic challenges within the health funding sector and expands the pool of local solutions, the 美国心脏协会’s 社会影响基金s will spark the growth of scalable, 以证据为基础解决健康问题的社会决定因素.